Young men and boys from the village prepare to serve a main course consisting of boiled lamb and rice at the Al-kasid family's Istikbal, or homecoming, in their home village Suq ash Shuyukh about 20 miles southeast of Nasiriyah, Iraq, Tuesday, July 29, 2003. ..The boys work throughout the 3 day celebration fetching water, serving food, cleaning, etc., which teaches them respect for their elders. In return, they are fed better than normal and get to be a part of the action as this was a huge event in the village...When Malik Al-kasid's caravan approached, guns were fired to announce his family's arrival. The welcming party then, returns fire to welcome him. The two parties move toward each other dancing and shooting until they join in the middle where the Hawaies occurs. ..The Al-kasid family fled Iraq after the Gulf War and their part in the uprising against Saddam Hussein in 1991, spent 3 years in Rafa, Saudi Arabia and finally settled in Dearborn, MI. The family hasn't been home to Iraq in 13 years.
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